CEO of Eurolab Hava Sarıaydın, in a statement to a newspaper, stressed that the issue of laboratory safety is a very important issue that concerns everyone working in this field, from the first learning laboratories to the higher education and health laboratories. In addition, although many laboratory accidents occurred in our country, very little has been known by those working in the field. As is known, occasional very large and deadly explosions occur in laboratories, fires occur and very serious poisoning events are experienced. Few of these are known to be reflected in the media, but there are many accidents where people do not know.
Sec. Hava Sarıaydın pointed out that ATEX directives must be strictly observed in laboratory accidents, fires and explosive atmospheres in laboratories. The ATEX directive (2014 / 34 / AB) covers the principles for the production of equipment and protective systems used in potentially explosive environments. The Regulation on Equipment and Protective Systems Used in the Explosive Environment in 2016 by the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology in our country has been prepared based on the ATEX directive. This guideline includes basic health and safety rules and conformity assessment procedures for the safe use of devices and equipment and protective systems used in potentially explosive environments, as well as principles for the supervision and inspection of the manufacturer.
Sec. Hava Sarıaydın also gave information about laboratory safety that a meeting where problems will be discussed, hesitations will be raised, questions will be asked and solutions will be organized by Eurolab.
In today's environment, the accuracy and reliability of the results given by laboratories that do not operate within the framework of TS EN ISO/IEC 17025 and TS EN ISO 15189 standards are always questioned. For this reason, laboratory staff and managers from all levels, quality control laboratory workers and UAF auditors working in the laboratories will be invited to the meeting.