Eurolab has developed its own quality management system in the laboratory sector and the Enterprise Accreditation Foundation EAF for the evaluation of its competencies., (American Accreditation) By requesting accreditation, and their recognition of their competences. It is one of the first accredited laboratories in our country under the ISO 15189 standard. Accreditation is the process by which an organization is authorized to carry out its activities by an officially authorized body.
In this way, Eurolab is committed to providing quality laboratory services to all individuals and organizations and continuously working to improve these services. In the period when Eurolab is accredited, TS EN ISO 15189 Medical Laboratories - Special Conditions for Quality and Qualification standard is not known much in our country. For this reason, Eurolab held various meetings and trainings in order to introduce this standard to the sector managers and employees. In this way, Eurolab has undertaken social responsibility in the quality management of laboratories in our country and carried out concrete studies.
Eurolab, on the other hand, continues to improve and renew itself continuously. For this purpose, it follows the developments, new opinions, discussions, new test and analysis methods and new devices and new devices, and contributes to their development by informing their employees of the developments.
The main purpose of the laboratory services is to ensure that the results of testing, measurement and analysis are reported with the highest possible accuracy. For this purpose, all processes are documented, published within the organization and measures are taken to ensure compliance with them. Our organization regularly applies calibration and quality control programs. It also uses inter-laboratory comparison tools from time to time.
As Eurolab, we have a mission: to support academic activities. For this purpose, our organization supports scientific research activities carried out by employees and supports scientific research carried out by universities and health institutions.