Our company is committed to the principle of confidentiality in all services it provides to its customers, both as a legal entity and as individual employees. In this context, the information obtained during the activities, test and analysis studies, measurement and evaluation results and the reports prepared under no circumstances and conditions are not given to third parties, no explanation is made about this issue and absolutely not shared.
Our organization is responsible for the protection of such information and documents belonging to customers in a way that is not accessible to anyone other than managers and employees and that the test and analysis samples delivered to the laboratory are not taken out of the laboratory. All necessary measures have been taken in this regard. Information and documents, which are kept entirely in computer environment, are provided only by authorized employees. Our company undertakes that all information and documents belonging to private individuals or organizations and their registered rights shall be protected.
In addition, our company, while providing laboratory services, without any interest relationship and without the influence of any person and organization continues to operate and in this sense, customers' information and documents are protected. Managers and employees may not act in a manner that would doubt their impartiality and confidentiality commitment in relation to their activities.
Our company has established ISO 27001 Information Security Management System in order to increase its reputation and service quality and has obtained ISO 27001 Certificate after passing the necessary audits. Essentially, this document proves to customers that all information and documents obtained during the activities are kept confidential by our organization and will not be shared with third parties.
Our company receives individual privacy statements from all employees in order to fulfill its commitment to confidentiality. This statement covers all the principles and conditions described above, and managers and employees who contradict it are subject to disciplinary action.