Soil Tests

Soil Tests

Soil tests are carried out in order to determine the fertilizer requirement of agricultural areas. If more fertilizer is mixed into the soil in agricultural activities, this means wasted money. However, more importantly, the excess fertilizer disrupts the soil structure and harms the environment. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to know what kind of fertilizer will be used for the soil and how much fertilizer will be used.

Generally, the most suitable period for taking soil samples for the purpose of soil analysis is post-harvest or ideal fall season. The soil sample to be tested must be taken from at least ten different locations, representing the entire plantation area. After the soil samples are mixed, approximately 1 kg is bagged and sent to the laboratory for analysis.

With the soil tests carried out in the laboratory, the amount of plant and nutrients contained in the soil is found. In this way, which nutrients should be added to the soil in order for the plant to be planted in the field to yield good crops.

In order to obtain full yield in cultivated areas, phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium, magnesium and similar nutrients must be present in the soil at a certain rate. The type and amount of plant nutrients that are missing in the soil are determined by the test studies and fertilization is done in a timely and correct manner. Briefly, soil tests reveal the power of the soil to feed the cultivated plants. Of course, it is not only necessary to know the nutritional values ​​of the soil for correct fertilization, but also to know which nutrients the plants need more.

During the environmental test studies, the current legal regulations and the relevant standards published by many domestic and foreign organizations are taken into consideration. In accordance with the needs of the enterprises, our company also conducts soil tests within the framework of environmental tests.

In the meantime, our organization, in accordance with the TS EN ISO / IEC 17025 General Conditions for the Competence of Experiment and Calibration Laboratories standard, UAF From the Accreditation Agency has been accredited and serves within this framework.