Cable Tests

Cable Testing

One of the most important tests in electrical and electronic technology is cable testing. Because the cables must be reliable both in terms of human health and environmental conditions. For this reason, cables must undergo various tests during production.

The cable tests carried out in accredited laboratories comply with the legal regulations in force and the standards prepared by local and foreign organizations are taken into consideration.

The most common test methods used in cable tests are electrical tests. Because the main purpose of the cables is to transmit electrical energy. Therefore, the risk they carry is quite high. Electrical tests in laboratories provide important evidence of the durability and safety of cables.

Considering the areas where cables are used, cables of various sizes and specifications are used in workplaces, hospitals, residences, schools, cinemas, entertainment centers, shopping malls and many other places.

In general, no matter what kind of cable, in the event of a combustion, the cables should not emit the flames emitted, do not transmit this flame, the smoke density should be low, and not emit toxic gas during combustion. In electrical tests of the cables, these properties are mainly tested.

The main electrical tests applied to cables include high-voltage tests. These tests determine the strength of the insulation resistances under high voltage and whether there is a short circuit in the wires under high voltage. In the transfer impedance and shielding attenuation tests of the cables, the shielding quality of the cable is determined. In conductor resistance measurements of cables, the resistance value of copper conductors inside the cables is determined.

Mechanical tests for cables are also performed in authorized laboratories. The important point here is the resistance of the cable to mechanical forces. In this context, for example, ultraviolet aging tests of cables are performed. Cables that function especially in the open air are exposed to sunlight, rain and snow, winds, cold and hot weather and moisture. These climatic conditions are ensured in the laboratory environment and the resistance of the cables to these conditions is determined in a short time. Within this scope, tensile strength and elongation tests are applied to the cables. In these tests, the cable is subjected to the highest force it can withstand.

Another test group for cables in authorized laboratories is chemical tests. To this extent, for example, the amount of toxicity in cables is determined. In particular in the event of a combustion, the cable must not emit toxic gases into the environment. The pH and conductivity measurements of the cables are made to determine the amount of acidic gas that these cables made of plastic materials emit during a combustion. In addition, in order to measure the amount of halogen gas released in the event of combustion, the amount of halogen acid is measured. Another chemical test is the flame oxygen index test. Here it is determined how many degrees of oxygen the cable can burn. The values ​​obtained in all chemical measurements and tests should be below the values ​​specified in the standards.

Apart from these, there are many performance tests applied to the cables. For example, the combustion tests of bundled cables are one of them. The resistance of the bundled cables during a combustion and their effect on each other are determined by these tests. Air gaps between bundled cables make the cables more vulnerable. Smoke and toxic gases generated during combustion prevent people from seeing their escape routes and may cause poisoning. Smoke density tests are performed to detect this situation.

There are many standards used when conducting cable tests. For example,

  • TS EN 60332 Cables - Tests in electrical and fiber optic cables under fire conditions
  • TS EN 60754 cables - Test for gases released during combustion of electrical cables

Our company performs cable tests in detail with a strong technological infrastructure and employee staff.