Environmental Conditions Test Laboratory According to MIL-STD-810, MIL-STD167-1A, DO-160, EN 60068, ISO 16750-1, ISO 16750-2 and ISO 16750-3 standards, 5-2000 Hz 76X750 mm, horizontal and vertical test table and vibration and shock test services up to changing amplitude.
In order to fully meet the vibration and shock test requirements to be performed within environmental conditions tests, it is necessary to use a vibration test fixture specific to the product being tested, which does not resonate at low frequencies.
With our vibration life test system in our test center, electronic equipment, automotive parts, household appliances, etc. We are able to perform high acceleration life tests of small and medium sized buildings.
With this vibration test system, we can carry out tests that meet military and international standards such as MIL, ASTM, IEC, ISO, BS and JIB.
Structural strength and vibration calculations are verified by tests. Structural strain measurement, system, subsystem and plate fatigue tests, neutral gear, variable or fixed circuit connected motor drive measurements and data processing, hammer tests and structural natural frequency measurements (FRF tests), vibration - shock measurements are performed.
Defense, aerospace, automotive, electrical-electronics etc. Tests can be provided for vibration and shock tests on the basis of component, subsystem or system needed in the sectors.
Mechanical / electronic / electromechanical systems and subsystems developed in TUBITAK-SAGE in Vibration and Modal Test Infrastructure (TMTA) and various defense industry and other industrial organizations (aircraft industry, white goods industry, automotive industry, aerospace technologies, ship industry, Vibration tests, shock tests, modal tests and vibration tests on the ground for the needs of the telecommunication industry, electronics industry, etc. are carried out.
Vibration and shock tests are carried out to determine the structural strength and weaknesses of the design under dynamic loads to which the test item is exposed under real operating conditions. Test item strength conditions and loads are determined using military / civilian standards or information obtained as a result of data collection under the actual or realistic operating conditions of the test item concerned. Using the aforementioned loads; tests are performed using data acquisition / processing equipment, control equipment, gauges, shakers and, if necessary, a heat cabinet.
Vibration test, the test sample;
1) is able to maintain its functions if it is exposed to vibrations with different
2) is used to investigate whether the vibrations that it will encounter during a life cycle will be damaged to the expected / desired life value as a result of accelerated application of the synergistic methods.
The shaker, acceleration transducers, datalogger / fft analyzer and controllers that drive the shaker can be used for testing.
Vibration tests are performed for the following reasons:
Materials need to be developed to determine the risks of a life cycle vibration, including the impact of environmental factors on materials, material duty cycle, and maintenance. This method is limited to considering the freedom of a single mechanical degree at the same time. See Method 527 for more help with multiple stimulus tests.
For determining the life span of materials that will be subjected to continuous vibration.
Use this method for all types of materials except MIL-STD-810G, as specified in Section 1.3 in a paragraph and as specified in the following paragraph 1.3. Applicable for combined environmental testing. Use this method to determine appropriate vibration test levels, durations, data reduction, and test procedure details to conduct experiments in accordance with the material.
The purpose of the test. The various tests included in Appendix A can be tailored for their purposes to guide material development, reliability and competence definitions.
Vibration life cycle. Together with the platform for vibration diversity, it provides an overview of the life cycle of situations that may be encountered.
The manufacturing and acceptance tests of manufacturing materials cover vibration risks. These risks are not addressed directly here. It is assumed that the materials subject to environmental testing are the same as the materials used to produce the completed production and acceptance process delivery material. Thus, the material will be able to test the accumulated damage before delivery. Verifies the field life of the materials to be delivered after environmental vibration tests. In the event of a change, the vibration exposure is re-tested after completion of the increased material to the production process to check that the materials are not short of life. It is recommended to recheck after the final assembly where the production units are partially assembled in one site and then moved to another area for final assembly. After each change in the manufacturing process or method, the vibration causes changes in the environment so reassessments are made regarding the design and the need for (re) qualification.
Environmental Stress Elimination (ESS). Many materials are delivered to the control prior to product testing procedures. Sometimes they are subjected to maintenance. It is assumed that both the testing units and provincial units take the same vibration risks, as in basic production processes, so that the environmental test results apply to the receiving units. Where units do not necessarily receive the same exposure, multiple passes through the ESS, pre-conditioning for environmental testing must be exposed to the maximum vibration conditions allowed for items used for environmental testing.
Vibration Test Systems
Vibration Compatible Climatic Cabinets
Data Collection Systems