UV (ultraviolet) survival tests are among the stability tests and are used to determine the shelf life of the products. These tests are mainly performed to determine and verify the shelf life of many products, including cosmetics and medical products.
It is expected that the UV aging tests are expected to maintain microbiological characteristics of the products during the waiting period on shelves and there is no deterioration in their physicochemical structure.
Such tests can normally be carried out by keeping the products really waiting. In this test management the products are kept both during normal shelf life and the ambient conditions are changed from time to time. For example, the temperature is increased intermittently to accelerate the process. Stability tests with increasing temperature are called accelerated aging tests. When accelerated aging tests are carried out, the products are exposed to a temperature above the temperature they are exposed to under normal conditions. In this way, the duration of the test is shortened and results are taken in less time.
However, although it is accelerated, performing these tests under normal conditions is a long and difficult method. At this point, UV (ulraviolet) survival tests are preferred to save time.
Ultraviolet rays are generally known as ultraviolet rays. These rays cannot be seen with the naked eye. There are three types of ulraviolithic rays from the sun. The UVA and UVB rays pass through the ozone layer of the earth and reach the earth. UVC rays cannot exceed the ozone layer.
These ultraviolet rays from the sun have different wavelengths and the wavelengths of the rays are measured by devices called nanometers. Humans can normally only see rays between 400 and 700 nanometer wavelengths. They cannot see the rays that remain above and below these values.
740-625 is the red color between nanometers and the rays above these values have larger wavelengths. These rays are called infrared rays. 440-380 is a purple color between nanometers and the rays below these values have smaller wavelengths. These rays are also called ultraviolet rays.
UV aging method is a method used for rapid aging tests. Air speed devices are used for this purpose. Some devices are used to shorten the test times, thus getting a faster test result.
In general, the operation systems of these devices are two-stage. First, the ambient temperature, coldness and moisture content of the environment is changed and the weather conditions are created and warm steam is released on the product under test. Generally, the product is allowed to stand for four hours under these conditions. The product is then exposed to ultraviolet (UV) rays for eight hours. At this stage, 50, 100 and 150 hourly aging is realized in the products. In the 50 hourly aging processes, the products are taken from the device and color measurements are made and the test is continued.
UV (ulraviolet) survival tests are frequently used, for example, in synthetic dyestuff tests. Synthetic dyestuffs cause health problems in humans and also destroy the natural environment. For this reason, synthetic dyestuffs are subjected to UV aging tests and their effects on human health are determined in a shorter time.
Another application area of UV aging tests are wood materials used in outdoor areas. Wood building materials used in building exterior surfaces or furniture used in the garden are damaged due to sunlight, heat and humidity. UV aging tests carried out in the laboratory environment are applied ultraviolet rays and solar effect is created. In this way, the results of years of natural effects are obtained in a short time.
Our company performs UV aging tests in detail with a strong technological infrastructure and employee staff.