Water is vital for humans and water needs to be potable. Two-thirds of the globe is water, but 97 percent of it is sea and ocean water. In other words, the percentage of fresh water, which is the source of life for living things, is only 3. Almost the percentage of freshwater 70 is in glaciers and cannot be consumed. The remaining percentage of 30 is underground. Surface waters such as lakes and rivers on the earth are only three thousandth of the total water in the world. Considering the overproduction of the human population, it is obvious how limited water resources are. Given that these sources are constantly polluted, humanity is in great danger. Clean water sources are becoming increasingly polluted.
Among the physical properties of water are important: flavor, color, temperature, turbidity, smell, permeability and pH value. Among the chemical properties, the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide content is important. In addition to its physical and chemical properties, water also has microbiological properties. Due to its natural structure, water resources contain a number of bacteria in the flora of water. In addition, there are bacteria passing through the soil. Bacteria and pathogens present in the intestinal flora of humans and animals may also be involved in the contents of the waters if leakage occurs in spring waters. If bacteria in water have come into contact with food at various stages of production, this is a serious source of contamination. Drinking water should be cleaned from all microbiological risks in terms of health.
The current legal regulations and standards published by many domestic and foreign organizations are taken into consideration in the food testing studies. In line with the needs of the enterprises, our company conducts water tests within the framework of food tests.
In the meantime, our organization, in accordance with the TS EN ISO / IEC 17025 General Conditions for the Competence of Experiment and Calibration Laboratories standard, UAF From the Accreditation Agency has been accredited and serves within this framework.