In order to ensure better protection of infants and children, stringent safety requirements for products for infants and children have been introduced in the European Union and in many foreign countries. In recent years, some products have been recalled in European Union countries and America. Criteria are established, rules are established and standards are determined by many public and private institutions in order to prevent the financial and moral problems of the enterprises and the health of infants and children not to be compromised.
In this respect, businesses want to make sure that their products for babies and children, wherever they are in the world, are in compliance with the current legal regulations and standards. Within this scope, a wide range of test and analysis services are provided by test and inspection institutions ranging from baby and children's clothes to toys, baby bottles and baby carriages.
For example, in accordance with the DIN EN 145682 standard for baby and children's clothing, these clothing must not contain any dangerous strings or threads that could harm infants and children. Furthermore, such clothing, for example sleeping sets, must have the specified flame retardant properties.
Baby products include shampoo, cream, lotion, oil and similar cosmetic products. The preservatives, pH and microbial contamination of these products are also tested.
During the specific test studies, the current regulations and the relevant standards published by many domestic and foreign organizations are taken into consideration. In line with the needs of enterprises, our company also performs baby products tests within the framework of specific tests.
In the meantime, our organization, in accordance with the TS EN ISO / IEC 17025 General Conditions for the Competence of Experiment and Calibration Laboratories standard, UAF From the Accreditation Agency has been accredited and serves within this framework.