By energy efficiency, it is meant to reduce the energy consumption per unit of service or product in industrial enterprises without reducing production quality and quantity. As a matter of fact, there is an energy saving potential of 20 in the industrial sector, 15 in the transportation sector and 30 in the residential sector with education, study and awareness studies in our country.
Efficient use of energy is important in many ways. First of all, fossil fuels such as oil and coal, which are important energy sources, are depleted. Greenhouse gas emissions released into the atmosphere during energy production and consumption processes are the main causes of climate change and global warming.
From an economic point of view, 70 of the energy consumed is supplied from foreign countries. It is necessary to use energy efficiently in order to reduce our country's dependence on foreign sources and to leave a more livable world for future generations.
The biggest factor that will provide energy efficiency is thermal insulation. In our country, 26 of energy is consumed for heating. Consuming less fuel means releasing less harmful gas into the atmosphere.
Preventing the energy from flowing out of the environment by using any insulation material is called insulation. Insulation in buildings, hot and cold pipelines is an important energy saving method. In many countries, a large amount of energy is consumed for heating and cooling. Insulation is not only important for energy saving but also for safety and comfort at work. If plants, operating buildings and residences are insulated efficiently and accurately, energy efficiency increases, while at the same time significant cost savings are achieved. Moreover, the insulation work is permanent and generally maintenance-free. But most importantly, energy saving prevents harmful waste gas emissions and prevents global warming.
Today, due to the depletion of fossil energy sources worldwide, renewable and alternative energy sources are becoming more oriented. However, studies in this direction have not reached the level that can meet the need yet.
- century, human life has become more comfortable with developing technology, but energy consumption has increased. Today, technological products are used more in all areas of life. As in other countries, with the increasing population in our country, energy consumption is also increasing significantly. Energy efficiency in our country has reached quite important dimensions, especially since our country is highly dependent on foreign energy. The main legal regulation on this subject is the Energy Efficiency Law published by the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources in 2007. The following objectives were pursued in the adoption of this law:
- To ensure efficient use of energy
- Avoid unnecessary energy use
- Reduce the burden of energy costs on the economy
- Protecting the natural environment
This law aims to protect energy resources and increase efficiency in energy use.
The long-term sustainable economic growth of our country depends on the solid steps to be taken in energy efficiency. Increasing energy expenditures in our economy means that the current account deficit increases, given that this energy is imported from outside. On the other hand, dependence on exports is increasing.
There are two ways to get rid of this cycle. On the one hand to increase the number of energy resources and the amount of energy production, on the other hand to raise awareness of consumers and to use the existing energy efficiently, avoiding unnecessary waste.
Energy efficiency refers to reducing energy consumption per unit of service or product quantity without reducing production quality and quantity in industrial enterprises. According to statistics, the population of our country will reach 2050 million in 95. In order to meet the energy needs of such people from domestic sources and to reduce dependence on foreign sources, it will be extremely important to increase energy production and use energy efficiently.
Sustainable energy means conservation of limited resources, efficient use of energy resources and energy saving. When the United Nations Industrial Development Organization requested that an Energy Management System standard be prepared, an International Standards Organization (ISO) initiated an immediate study. As a result of these efforts, ISO 2011 Energy Management System standard was prepared in 50001. This standard is based on the following standards: ISO 9001 Quality Management System, ISO 14001 Environmental Management System and ISO 16001 Energy Management System.
The ISO 50001 standard consists of processes that control and control the energy consumption of enterprises. In this way, businesses,
- Making action plans for energy consumption,
- Setting targets to reduce energy consumption,
- Monitoring energy consumption and
- Energy performance indicators.
Our company conducts energy efficiency tests of all kinds of devices using an energy source in accordance with domestic and foreign legal regulations and related standards.