First, there is no precise information as to the date on which the glass was obtained. However, it is known to be used in ancient times. The oldest example is a bead of the Egyptian Pharaoh Amenhotep. It is known that glass was used in the construction of mosques and madrasas in the time of Artukids, one of the old principalities that reigned in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. After the conquest of Istanbul during the Ottomans, there were serious developments in glass production. However, with the development of technologies, glass is used not only as an ornament or household item but also in a wide range of fields such as medicine and space technologies.
In response to fire, flat glasses are among the non-combustible materials of the A1 class. A1 materials are materials that do not contribute to combustion in the event of a fire. However, in the construction sector, the fire resistance properties are important for glass, not fire reaction.
It means that the windows are fire resistant, that they are specially designed and that the fire resistance and performance periods are determined by the tests to be performed. Today, high and fire resistant glasses are preferred in large and special constructions. Since flat glasses do not belong to any class even if they are produced as tempered, specially produced glasses should be used when necessary.
Fire glass is used outside and inside buildings, doors, windows, corridors and in various compartments and is important in establishing safe escape routes in the event of a fire.
The performance and durability periods of the fire glass to be used in the construction are tested and documented in accredited laboratories with appropriate joinery and assembly materials. The following standards are considered in these studies:
- TS EN 1363-1 Fire resistance tests - Part 1 - General rules
- TS EN 1364-1 Fire resistance tests on non-load bearing elements - Part 1: Walls
- TS EN 13501-2 Construction products and building elements - Fire classification - Part 2: Classification using data obtained from fire resistance tests (excluding ventilation installations)
As a result of fire glass tests carried out in accordance with these standards, the glasses are classified as follows:
- Class E = Integrity. (These glasses maintain their transparency during a fire and prevent the passage of flame and smoke to the other side).
- EW class = Integrity and radiation reduction. (Thanks to the heat reflective coating inside these glasses, it prevents not only the flame and smoke in a fire, but also the radiant heat generated during the fire to pass to the other side).
- EI class = Integrity and insulation. (These glasses are a kind of heat shield and prevent fire, smoke, poisonous gases and radiant heat from passing to the other side during a fire. After the fire heat reaches a certain degree, the special foam between the layers of the glass opaque the glass).
For example, the glasses of the E30 class only prevent the passage of flames and smoke for half an hour and maintain their integrity. The EW60 class lenses prevent the passage of radiant heat along with the passage of flame and smoke for one hour and maintain their integrity. In the EI90 class, 90 completely prevents the passage of flame, smoke, toxic gases, radiant heat and temperature during the minute.
The following standards are also taken into consideration during the fire resistance tests of glass:
- TS EN 15998: 2010 Glass - Used in buildings - Safety during fire, fire resistance - Methodology for testing glass for classification purposes
- TS 13478 Glass - used in buildings - Code of practice for fire, safety and wind load
Our company performs fire resistance tests of glass in detail with a strong technological infrastructure and staff.