Perform fire resistance and material flammability tests to comply with International Maritime Organization (IMO) and Marine Life Safety (SOLAS) requirements. Our laboratory, accredited by the American UAF Accreditation Agency, can work with you to make mandatory audits of mandatory quality control systems to ensure that your products meet applicable industry requirements and to ensure continued compliance.
Getting IMO testing and certification from EUROLAB gives you access to the expertise and testing capabilities you need to meet your testing and certification objectives. We can do large scale fire resistance tests, medium or small scale material flammability tests or specially designed tests for research and development.
Fire Resistance Test
Demonstrate compliance with fire resistance requirements for the Marine Industry. Decide if you are looking for a standard time-temperature curve or a test for a high-time-temperature curve for hydrocarbon fire classification, or whether you want to prove the resistance of passive fire protection to a jet-fire impact. must.
Material Flammability Test
Learn how your selected materials react when exposed to fire. Our extensive capabilities in material flammability testing include: flammability test, flammability test, smoke and toxicity test and flame spread and smoke development tests.
Special Design Tests
Understand how your product will perform in the case of a full-scale test with medium and small tests. With our full range of fire testing services, we can design custom tests to help research and develop, or create test plans for your product or installation.
Test equipment
- Tube Furnace
- Lateral Ignition and Flame Spread Test (LIFT) apparatus
- Smoke room
- FTIR Analyzer
- Conical Calorimeter
- Room Corner Testing Facility
- Jet-Fire Facility
- Upholstered Furniture Testing Equipment
- Bearing Component Tester
- Vertical Supported Textile and Film Apparatus
- Steiner Tunnel
IMO Test Standards
- IMO FTP Code Part Part 1, Part Part 2, Part Part 3, Part Part 4, Part Part 5, Part Part 6, Part Part 7, Part Part 8, Part Part 9, Part Part 10, Part Part 11
- USCG PFM 2-98
- ISO 5659-2, 5660-1, 5660-2, 9705
- ASTM E 84
- EB413 visa
EUROLAB is recognized by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) as an approved testing laboratory for testing in accordance with the International Code of Practice for Fire Testing Procedures (IMO 2010 FTP Code). This test can also be applied to Wheelmark products in accordance with the directive.
The IMO 2010 FTP Code is intended to be used by the Administration and the competent authority of the flag state when certifying products for installation on ships in their country in accordance with the international fire safety requirements of the International Convention on the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS). ), 1974, as modified.
Amending the International Convention on the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) to enforce the IMO 2010 FTP Code, 1 entered into force on July 2012, strengthening fire safety provisions on ships.
The IMO 2010 FTP Code provides the international requirements for laboratory tests, type approval and fire test procedures for the products specified in SOLAS part II-2.
You can meet the IMO tests by our laboratory EUROLAB.