Wood is a building material used since the first people. People have always used wood for shelter and protection. Unfortunately, nowadays, forest areas are shrinking, forests are gradually decreasing and new ones are not grown easily. Therefore, the value of wood is increased. Although metal, concrete and plastic materials are used instead of wood today, wood is still a widely used building material because of its isolation, appearance and desired shape. However, wood is no longer used as a carrier material in buildings other than roofs.
Wood waste is produced in different shapes and names. For example, materials such as chipboard, plywood and counter top are of this nature.
A number of chemical substances in wood are identified in wood tests. For example, cellulose is a white material that gives bending strength to the tree. Generally, 50-60 cellulose is a percentage of dry wood weight. Lignin is a chemical substance that gives the tree a brittle structure and is effective in standing upright. In the meantime, the tree's resistance to pressure increases in this article. Approximately 14-23 lignin is present in the structure of the tree. In addition, the percentage of 15-25 in the tree in the proportion of ash, silicon, magnesium, sodium, potassium and calcium hemicelluloses are composed.
If a tree is fired at an average degree of 100, the water in it disappears and the tree mass remains. This mass is called full dry wood. In general, wood is used for woodwork and furniture making. Because there is no moisture in it.
In the furniture industry, oak, chestnut, hornbeam, beech and ash are used. In addition, poplar, fir, linden and plane trees are classified as white trees. Likewise, all types of pine, walnut, boxwood, mahogany and ebony are used.
The use of wood in the construction of doors and windows in building materials is always preferred in terms of being particularly healthy. Recently, however, steel doors and composite doors have also been used. Tests and inspection organizations and laboratories conduct tests for all types of doors in accordance with international standards. The main door tests in this direction are:
- Fire resistance tests
- Safe use tests
- Heat and sound insulation tests
- Fire safety tests
- Explosion and lead impact tests
- Acoustic tests
- Safety and theft resistance tests
- Air tests
In addition, thermal insulation value of the doors and water, air and wind filtration tests are also performed when necessary.
The main standards used during these test studies are:
- TI-1301 Fire resistance - testing, assessment and certification
- TI-1002 Fire resistance - Design considerations
- TI-1306 Doors and windows design by secure
- TI-1310 Historical buildings and fire safety
- TI-1311 CDTM01 Classification for service life
On the other hand, manufacturers must comply with the requirements of the TS EN 14351-1 standard in order to place the CE mark on the doors and windows (TS EN 14351-1 Windows and doors - Product standard, performance characteristics - Part 1: Windows and pedestrian crossing doors). This standard applies to doors and windows and regulates all pedestrian exterior doors, including glazed doors without frame and escape route doors, for fire or smoke leakage.
One of the certification standards used for doors is the EN16034 standard (door sets for TS EN 16034 pedestrian crossings, industrial, commercial, garage doors and opening windows - Product standards, performance and features - Fire resistance and / or smoke control features).
Our company performs door tests in detail with a strong technological infrastructure and staff.