Laboratories are highly skilled, educated and experienced, even if they do not have a technically strong infrastructure, even if they do not have a strong infrastructure, they can not get much competitive power in the market. Technology, as in all areas of the laboratory sector also shows a rapid development. Devices and equipment are increasingly being developed, with more precise and more detailed results. Laboratories should follow these innovations and have the opportunity to use and use these budgets as much as possible. But of course this is an investment subject and requires financial power. Until recently, not many, but not more, until the mid-1990 years, laboratories were able to achieve highly successful results thanks to qualified employees despite the limited technological possibilities. The scope of the tests and analyzes, which were made to the extent of that period, was not as broad as today. Moreover, in this period when computers and laboratory technologies were not developed as much as they are today, access to information was not so easy. At that time, even in laboratories that were a little more advanced, there was great difficulty in the evaluation and storage of the data. Moreover, there was no system developed for testing and analysis methods and the reliability of the results. The legal arrangements were prepared only in the system of that day, and they did not anticipate any more. In short, neither the measurements were made nor the results were evaluated. However, since the beginning of 2000, both computers have become widespread and the number of machines and equipments connected to computers has increased in laboratory technologies. In addition, quality systems have been established in laboratories and accreditations have been provided. At this point in a short time, the laboratories now invest more in technology and achieve faster, quality, precise and reliable results. In this regard, our organization has made the necessary investments and has a strong technological infrastructure.