Ecotoxicology is a science that investigates the negative effects of environmental chemicals on the ecosystem. Ecotoxicology tests are tests that determine the effects of toxic chemicals on biological organisms, especially at the population, community, ecosystem and biosphere levels. In short, ecotoxicology is a multidisciplinary field that integrates toxicology and ecology.
Pesticides and other pollutants entering the natural environment together with agricultural activities affect the natural life. Ecotoxicology studies are conducted to investigate these effects. In this respect, ecotoxicology is a mixture of ecology, toxicology, physiology, analytical chemistry, molecular biology and mathematics. Ecotoxicology looks at the effects of pollutants, including pesticides, on humans, natural communities and ecosystems. Essentially, living communities and their environments form ecosystems. Ponds, rivers, deserts, pastures and forests are always elements of the ecosystem. In short, ecotoxicology studies examine the possible effects of chemicals, crop protection agents and biocides on vegetation and animal life.
Pesticides are effective not only in the application area, but also in very remote areas. Pesticide residues can travel for miles through rainfall and winds. Sun rays, water, germs and air break down pesticides. Some pesticides last longer in their environment and may pose a risk to living things after many years.
Pesticide residues accumulate in living organisms and food webs. If these residues are collected faster than the organism can break them down and destroy them, it forms bioaccumulation in the organism. In this way, it can cause greater health problems if passed on to the human body.
The services provided in ecotoxicology test laboratories include bacterial toxicity tests, algae growth inhibition tests, shellfish toxicity tests, fish toxicity tests, worm toxicity tests, plant growth prevention tests and soil microflora tests.
Pesticides and pollutants may show further influences, such as nutrient cycling or soil formation, outside populations of animals and plants that form a community. In addition, when pesticides affect bacteria and fungal communities in the soil, they can disrupt the nitrogen cycle.
Firms producing these substances have to do more and different types of work on how and in what way pesticides and pesticides will affect the ecosystem.
When deciding whether to use a pesticide, the potential benefit needs to be balanced with environmental impacts. Ecotoxicology tests are used to investigate the toxic effects of chemicals on aquatic and terrestrial environments. The aim of ecotoxicology tests is to try to understand unwanted phenomena occurring in the natural environment and to investigate new chemicals that will be used or will reach the environment. In this context, for example, invertebrates and fish are monitored in polluted rivers and estuaries and their effects on a food chain are investigated. In addition, these tests monitor the physiological and biochemical responses of organisms after exposure to a toxic contaminant. Metabolism, accumulation and movements of natural and synthetic chemicals from different food chains are determined by ecotoxicology tests.
There are numerous domestic and foreign standards taken into account in ecotoxicology testing laboratories. Here are a few of them:
- TS EN 14735 Characterization of wastes - Preparation of waste samples for ecotoxicity tests
- TS 6020 EN ISO 7346 Water quality - Determination of the immediate toxicity of substances on freshwater fish
- TS EN ISO 22030 Soil quality - Biochemical methods - Chronic toxicity in high plants
Our company also provides ecotoxicology test laboratory services within the scope of other testing services. Thanks to these services, enterprises are able to produce more efficient, high performance and quality products in a safe, fast and uninterrupted manner.
The ecotoxicology test laboratory services provided within the scope of other testing services are only one of the services provided by our organization in this respect. Many other testing services are also available.