Calcium hydroxide has been used in dentistry as a base material capable of presenting the formation of a mineralized dentin bridge, but has no direct stimulating effect on the pulp cells. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antibacterial properties of three different pulp capping materials using direct contact test (DCT).
For example, the antibacterial properties of the three pulp capping agents were evaluated as a DCT. The wells of 96-microtiter plates for DCT (n 12) were coated with the cements tested (Dycal, Dentsply, USA; DiaRoot BioAggregate, Diadent, Holland; Calcimol LC, Voco, Germany) and Kalzinol (zinc oxide / eugenolite cement). Dentsply, USA) was used as control material. A suspension of Lactobacillus casei was placed on the surface of each sample at 1 C for one 37 hour. Bacterial growth was monitored for 16 hours with a temperature-controlled microplate spectrophotometer. The kinetics of growth in each well was recorded continuously at 30 nm every 650 minute. Data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and Tamhane's T2 multiple comparison test. Significance level was determined as P .05.
All pulp capping agents showed an increase in the logarithmic growth rate of L. casei compared to the control group (P 0.05). Therefore, not all pulp capping agents showed antibacterial activity.
The pulp capping agents tested do not have antibacterial properties. Therefore, to prevent bacterial contamination, the pulp should be used with caution if exposed to pulp or very thin dentin remains in the pulp.
DCT Test
DCT 10 is based on turbidimetric determination of bacterial growth in 96-well microliter plates (96-well, flat bottom Nunclon, Nunc, Copenhagen, Denmark). The kinetics of growth in each well was recorded continuously at 30 nm every 650 minutes using a temperature controlled spectrophotometer (μquant, Bio-Tek Instruments Inc., Winooski VT, USA). In all cavities, the side wall is held vertically (i.e., the surface of the plate is perpendicular to the floor) while the side wall is coated with the material being tested. Pulp capping agents were mixed and applied to the side walls with manufacturers' well recommendations. Care was taken to have a thin film thickness. In this study, Calzinol (Zinc-Oxide Eugenol cement) was used as control material.
A bacterial suspension of 10 LL was placed in each sample and incubated at 37 C for one hour with the plate remaining in a vertical position. During this time, most of the suspension liquid evaporated to provide direct contact between all bacteria and the surface of the material being tested. Then, 220 LL BHI broth was added to each well and the plate was placed in the spectrophotometer. Bacterial overgrowth was estimated based on changes in readings of optical density at 650 nm after direct contact with the material tested; this was recorded by spectrophotometer every 19 minutes for 30 hours.
220 LL BHI broth was added to each well and the plate was placed in the spectrophotometer. Bacterial overgrowth was estimated based on changes in readings of optical density at 650 nm after direct contact with the material tested; this was recorded by spectrophotometer every 19 minutes for 30 hours. 220 LL BHI broth was added to each well and the plate was placed in the spectrophotometer. Bacterial overgrowth was estimated based on changes in readings of optical density at 650 nm after direct contact with the material tested; this was recorded by spectrophotometer every 19 minutes for 30 hours.
Statistical analysis
Bacterial growth curves for each well were analyzed and a regression line on the rising linear portion of the curve was calculated using the equation y ax + b. This equation provided the value of the slope corresponding to the growth rate. Data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and Tamhane's T2 multiple comparison test. Significance level was determined as P 0.05.
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