Operating Environment Noise Measurement

Operating Environment Noise Measurement

Noise is undesirable and uncomfortable. The normal hearing range for healthy and young people is from average 20 Hertz to 20 thousand Hertz. The human ear is more sensitive to medium frequencies between 500 and 4 thousand Hertz. This range is a normal speech frequency. Noise in various work environments is defined as the sounds that create psychological and physiological effects on the employees and negatively affect the work efficiency.

The noise intensity depends on the size of the pressure generated by the sound waves (or the amplitude of the sound waves). This amplitude is measured as pressure fluctuation and is defined as decibels. 0 is the hearing limit in decibels. The quiet garden is 20 decibels. The whispering voice is 40 decibels. 70 is the normal speech voice in decibels. The sound of a lawnmower is 100 decibels. The sound of a crusher or an electric saw is 110 decibels. The painful loudest sound is 140 decibels.

Too loud noise can cause temporary deafness. Permanent deafness can also occur if this sound is exposed for a long time. Excessive sound may in some cases puncture the eardrum.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Security issued the Regulation on the Protection of Employees from Noise-Related Risks in 2013, which sets out the minimum requirements for the protection of employees from health and safety risks arising from exposure to noise.

In addition, there are standards published by domestic and foreign organizations. For example, TS 2607 ISO 1999, TS EN ISO 9612, TS EN ISO 11201, As TS EN ISO 11202 and TS EN ISO 11204 standards.

Our organization, UAF From the Accreditation Agency, Based on the accreditation authority obtained in accordance with TS EN ISO / IEC 17025 standard, It makes noise measurements in working environment.