By the Ministry of Health 2011 Regulation on the Health Principles and Conditions to be Subjected to Swimming Pools The purpose of this regulation is to ensure that the indoor and outdoor swimming pools used for swimming are suitable for the required hygienic conditions. The regulation also regulates the principles for the determination, supervision and control of the quality standards of swimming pool waters.
In the annexes to the aforementioned regulation, chemical properties of the pond water (Annex 1), physical properties (Annex 2) and microbiological properties (Annex 3) were explained and also the analyzes required to be performed by the companies operating the pools were counted (Annex 4).
The physical properties that should be found in the pool waters are related to the color, buckling and temperature of the water. Physical analyzes should be performed once a month.
Chemical analyzes of the pool water must also be carried out at least once a month and the upper and lower limit values are given for the chemical substances listed below: cyanuric acid, biguanide, hydrogen peroxide, ph value, ammonium, nitrite, nitrate, copper, aluminum, total alkalinity (calcium carbonate), bound chlorine, free chlorine (separately for indoor and outdoor pools) and free chlorine.
As for the microbiological analyzes that should be present in the pool waters. This analyzer must also be done once a month. The measures to be made in the annex of the regulation and the limit values are included. In this framework, total colony count, total coliform bacteria, escherichia coli (e. Coli) and pseudomonas aeruginosa are measured in pool water.
For recreational or sporting purposes, swimming pools are used by many people and the necessary checks are not carried out on time and if the specified standard values are not met, they are always at risk of threatening human health.
Our organization, UAF From the Accreditation Agency, Based on the accreditation authority obtained in accordance with TS EN ISO / IEC 17025 standard, it conducts pool water analyzes within the scope of water analyzes in line with the needs of the enterprises.