Phthalates are commonly used chemicals to increase flexibility. Phthalates are most commonly used in the production of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) products. Nowadays, PVC is the second most widely used plastic.
In general, phthalates are used in construction materials, packaging materials, pipes and electrical installations and in thousands of other products. It is used in wall coverings, private flooring, table cloths, furniture flooring, shower curtains, carpet flooring, garden hoses, raincoats, toys, shoes, automobile upholstery, medical tubes and blood storage bags. Some types of phthalates are used in cosmetics, nail polishes, hair products, skin care products and even some medicines.
However, from time to time the use of certain phthalate species is forbidden or banned due to safety and health concerns. For example, the use of three types of phthalates in toys and child care products at concentrations greater than 0.1 percent is prohibited. In addition, restrictions have been imposed on the use of certain types of phthalates in infant and childcare materials.
Today, commissions are being established and investigations are being conducted to examine the health risks of phthalate and phthalate substitutes and to determine whether the prohibitions will continue or whether any other phthalate use is appropriate.
Many types of phthalates pass through the human body with food. In addition, the use of personal care products and inhalation are the main routes of exposure for some phthalates. Phthalates in a mother's body can pass into breast milk. Infants and young children may be exposed to phthalates by absorbing toys made of phthalate-containing plastics. In short, phthalates are widely used in various consumer products and enter the human body in many ways.
Phthalates belong to the class of synthetic chemicals and are produced in large quantities every year. With the addition of phthalates to PVC, this fragile plastic is made more flexible and durable.
Phthalates are defined as toxic substances with reproductive and developmental effects. However, toxicity levels vary depending on the phthalate structure. Some phthalate species are also classified as carcinogens.
Phthalates are not chemically bound to the PVC polymer. Therefore, over time, products leak, especially under heat-containing conditions, and spread to air, water, food, dust, soil, living organisms and other environments.
Although six types of phthalates are currently banned in children's products made in the United States and European Union countries, they are still used in toy manufacturing in many parts of the world. In addition, children continue to be exposed to phthalates in cosmetics and personal care products such as nail polish, lotion, shampoo, soap and hairspray. PVC-made materials such as backpacks, lunch boxes, umbrellas, raincoats, boots, handbags and slippers also include phthalates.
Many other materials include phthalates such as plastic pipes, storage bags, floor tiles, automotive parts, food packages, paints, household goods, pharmaceutical coatings, electrical cables and medical devices.
The main effects of phthalates on human health are reproductive abnormalities and developmental effects. Exposure to phthalates results in male reproductive disorders, sperm damage, fertility disorders, female reproductive system diseases, early puberty, asthma and thyroid disorders. Adverse effects on lungs, liver and kidneys are also observed.
In addition, phthalates pose risks to water and land ecosystems in the vicinity of enterprises using phthalates in production. Some types of phthalates are bioaccumulating and have been identified in aquatic organisms. Endocrine disruptive effects are seen in fish. Birds and mammals are affected by food chain exposure.
Today, the search for other chemicals to replace phthalates continues. For example, a number of substances as alternative emollients have been introduced to replace phthalate in toys, child care products, medical devices and certain cosmetic products.
EUROLAB also offers phthalate testing services in a wide range of laboratory services. Thanks to these tests, enterprises receive more efficient, high performance and quality testing services and provide safe, fast and uninterrupted service to their customers.
In addition to the phthalate testing services provided within the scope of laboratory services, EUROLAB also provides other testing services.