When a conductor with a voltage on it contacts a body as a result of insulation error, the current flowing to earth is called leakage current. Therefore, leakage current protection relay is used for protection against leakage currents. The residual current relay usually cuts off when there are currents caused by insulation faults and prevents people from being damaged by the fault current. In general, an 30 milliampere leakage current relay is sufficient to maintain human age. 300 milliampere leakage current relays are used to prevent fire hazard caused by larger scale insulation faults.
Leakage currents caused by an insulated electrical device or cable connection can cause a spark and fire. An 300 milliampere leakage current has been found to ignite materials, causing a fire. Generally, short circuit is mentioned in these cases, but the problem is not short circuit. In case of a short circuit, the fuses and circuit breakers are activated and cut off the electricity. However, the problem here is the insulation faults and the damage of the cables and the resulting earth leakage current.
When an electrical error occurs, the electrical current that wants to return to earth uses the human body as a conductor. The damage, voltage, the value and frequency of the current, the path of the current in the body, the transition time of the current and the electrical resistance of the body will vary depending on some factors.
The electric current passing through the human body can cause injuries and even death. At small current values, electric shock causes the body to make involuntary movements.
As a result, leakage current is a danger to human health and leakage current tests must be carried out in electrical devices and systems.
The current legal regulations and the relevant standards published by many domestic and foreign organizations are taken into consideration during the electrical test studies. In line with the needs of enterprises, our company conducts leakage current tests within the framework of electrical tests.
In the meantime, our organization, in accordance with the TS EN ISO / IEC 17025 General Conditions for the Competence of Experiment and Calibration Laboratories standard, UAF From the Accreditation Agency has been accredited and serves within this framework.